
Thursday, May 8, 2008


Snowstorm on Sunday.
I've had a cold for over a week now and its begun to wear me out. I stopped working out only after having the cold for one week. Now for the most part I put the girls to sleep and run to bed myself. Except tonight I came back from set and picked up the girls and brought them to join Rob for dinner. We got home at 9:30, I put the girls to sleep, loaded the nightly wash, prepared Rob's late night sandwich for his return and now I'm in bed wasting time on the internet.

As I mentioned, I have started a new blog for set photos only if you're interested let me know and I can put your e-mail in the invite list.

At my request Rob got a mowhalk. Usually he shaves his head for productions and I thought this would be a little more interesting. I think he looks a little like Travis Bickle.

Lula is memorizing sections of my favorite Maurice Sendak books "In the Night Kitchen" and the Story of Pierre. We can read it together - I pause when its her part.

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